Friday, April 2, 2010

Peace as Kids around:)

One of my favorite Quote from the Schooling is,"Of all created things the most Divine and the Loveliest are the Children"

I'm not far this particular episode 'll interest you all...I may sometimes sound too excited,though i just wanna tell this to you,because it really made a difference and got smiles in to my shall i shoot??

Well,our home is totally filled with Children,Children and Children!!My neighbour's kids are totally adorable and lovable...i keep learning some nice stuffs from them...we sometimes fail to see what's right in front of us and keep searching for it somewhere else!!

On this particular day,i was in the balcony looking at them playing shuttlecock having their own game rules,they call me their "Umpire"...if they have a lil' tiff regarding game rules ,they would ask me to solve it!!sounds funny right!!but i enjoy doin' that...ok besides that...

The other day while Sharan and Ithi were playing badminton and their sisters were happily enjoying doing some stuffs with mud,Sharan happened to smash the cock on the mud where the girls were playing-in and this made one among the sister got lil' angry and showed some cute childish tantrums on his brother 'Sharan',throwing the cock back to him...The other cutey was still playing with the muddy sand failing to even give a look on what's happening around!!!

I got something clicked-in...Even life is all about this 'Right'!!Choosing the way to react!!

It could be taken in any way that you wish,
To express yourself helps in making you happy and expressive and sometimes ...
To accept life and keeping yourself busy in your own dreams and centric is a nice fact!!
its all about just easy na!!

To have your own path to walk without impersonating anyone!!
"Everything has its own beauty,but not all has the beauty of admiring it":)No single person can ever go completely easy with someone's ideal...right!!Thus,take your own path ...where your heart leads you to!!A road less travelled,at the same time without hurting your beloveds around...Hey!!there are no free lunches ...right!!

Anything can be achieved from Kindness and Love!!Even the hardest time of your life could be taken with ease if you are surrounded by true love and care and that's what keeps us going!!

My Dad kept his humour right up till the end ...i mean in his last days at the hospital teasing the nurses around:)...i think it was solely because of his sweet heart...My Mom around him!!Not all the human would get the privilege of saying Good-bye to the world with a happy note!!Though he misses us all and we miss him soooooo much too...the way nobody could imagine!!Somewhere deep in the silence of my heart strongly tells me that he was happy and is still happy to guide us and watch us grow..He is looking at me even right now!!

We Love you Appa...:)You are still here!!


  1. Hi Aarthi,

    Nice post. Sometimes in my life I want to become a child once again. Mind full of dreams, no doubt, no hate only love.
