Thursday, December 10, 2009

Hmmm...Toothsome..! its my box of chocolates;)

The man and his shadow

By Paulo Coelho

Many years ago, there lived a man who was capable of loving and forgiving everyone he came across. Because of this, God sent an angel to talk to him.

‘God asked me to come and visit you and tell you that he wishes to reward you for your goodness,’ said the angel. ‘You may have any gift you wish for. Would you like the gift of healing?’

‘Certainly not,’ said the man. ‘I would prefer God to choose those who should be healed.’

‘And what about leading sinners back to the path of Truth?’

‘That’s a job for angels like you. I don’t want to be venerated by anyone or to serve as a permanent example.’

‘Look, I can’t go back to Heaven without having given you a miracle. If you don’t choose, I’ll have to choose one for you.’

The man thought for a moment and then said:

‘All right, I would like good to be done through me, but without anyone noticing, not even me, in case I should commit the sin of vanity.’

So the angel arranged for the man’s shadow to have the power of healing, but only when the sun was shining on the man’s face. In this way, wherever he went, the sick were healed, the earth grew fertile again, and sad people rediscovered happiness.

The man traveled the Earth for many years, oblivious of the miracles he was working because when he was facing the sun, his shadow was always behind him. In this way, he was able to live and die unaware of his own holiness.

The accommodating point

Paulo Coelho

In one of my books (The Zahir), I try to understand why people are so afraid of changing. When I was right in the middle of writing the text, I came across an odd interview with a woman who had just written a book on – guess what? – love.

The journalist asks whether the only way a human being can become happy is to find their beloved. The woman says no:

“Love changes, and nobody understands that. The idea that love leads to happiness is a modern invention, dating from the late 17th century. From that time on, people have learned to believe that love should last for ever and that marriage is the best way to exercise love. In the past there was not so much optimism about the longevity of passion.

“Romeo and Juliet isn’t a happy story, it’s a tragedy. In the last few decades, expectation has grown a lot regarding marriage being the path towards personal accomplishment. Disappointment and dissatisfaction have also grown at the same time.”

According to the magical practices of the witchdoctors in the North of Mexico, there is always an event in our lives that is responsible for our having stopped making progress. A trauma, a particularly bitter defeat, disappointment in love, even a victory that we fail to quite understand, ends up making us act cowardly and incapable of moving ahead. The witchdoctor finds and gets rid of this “accommodating point”. To do so, he has to review our life and discover where this point lies.

When I was young, I was always fighting, always hitting the others, because I was the oldest in the gang. One day my cousin gave me a beating. That convinced me that I would never again manage to win a fight, and I began to avoid any physical confrontation, even though this meant that I was often taken for a coward, and let myself be humiliated in front of girlfriends and companions. Until one day, when I was 22, I ended up unwillingly getting into a fight in a nightclub in Rio de Janeiro. I got beaten up, but the “accommodating point” went away. Nowadays I no longer fight, not out of cowardice but rather because it’s a terrible way of expressing oneself.

For two years I tried to learn to play the guitar: I made a lot of progress in the beginning, until I reached the point where I could advance no further. Because I discovered that others learned faster than I did, I felt mediocre and decided that instead of feeling ashamed I was no longer interested in playing the guitar. The same happened with snooker, football, cycling: I learned enough to do everything fairly well, but then reached a point where I could go no further.


Because, according to the story that we were told, at a certain moment in our lives “we reach our limit”. There are no more changes to be made. We won’t grow any more. Both professionally and in love, we have reached the ideal point, and it’s best to leave things as they are. But the truth is that we can always go further. Love more, live more, risk more.

Immobility is never the best solution. Because everything around us changes (including love) and we must accompany that rhythm.

I have been married to the same person for 30 years, but methaphorically speaking, the same marriage contains several “new marriages” during our relationship. Our bodies and souls changed, and we are still together. If we wanted to keep on as we were in 1979, I don’t think we would have come so far.

The Quest

Published on
Paulo Coelho.

Here I continue to transcribe extracts of the notes I took between 1982 and 1986 on my conversations with J., my friend and master in the Regnus Agnus Mundi (RAM) tradition. I remember that I was always asking for advice on any decision I had to take. J. usually remained silent for a while before speaking:

“People who are part of our daily life can give us important hints on decisions we need to take. But for this purpose all that is needed is a sharp eye and an attentive ear, because those who have ready solutions are usually suspect.

“It’s very dangerous to ask for advice. It’s very risky to lend advice, if we have a minimum sense of responsibility towards the other person. If they need help, it’s best to see how others resolve – or don’t resolve – their problems. Our angel often uses someone’s lips to tell us something, but this answer comes casually, usually at a moment when we do not let our worries overshadow the miracle of life. Let our angel speak the way he is used to, which is at the moment he deems necessary. Advice is just theory; living is always very different.”

“Don’t try to be coherent all the time; discover the joy of being a surprise to yourself. Being coherent is having always to wear a tie that matches your socks. It means being obliged to keep tomorrow the same opinions you have today. What about the world, which is always in movement? As long as it doesn’t harm anyone, change your opinion now and again, and contradict yourself without feeling ashamed – you have a right to that! It doesn’t matter what the others may think – because they are going to think that way no matter what.”

“But we are talking about faith.”

“Exactly! Go on doing what you do, but try to put love in every gesture: that will be enough to organize your quest. Usually we do not lend value to the things we do every day, but those are the things that change the world around us. We think that faith is a task for giants, but just read a few pages of the biography of any holy man and you will discover an absolutely ordinary person – except for the fact that they were determined to share the very best of themselves with others.

“Many emotions move the human heart when it decides to dedicate itself to the spiritual path. This may be a “noble” reason – like faith, love of our neighbor, or charity. Or it may be just a whim, the fear of loneliness, curiosity, or the fear of death. None of that matters. The true spiritual path is stronger than the reasons that led us to it and little by little it imposes itself with love, discipline and dignity. A moment arrives when we look backwards, remember the beginning of our journey, and laugh at ourselves. We have managed to grow, although we traveled the path for reasons that were very futile.”

“How do I know at least that I am traveling this path with love and dignity?”

“God uses loneliness to teach us about living together. Sometimes he uses anger so that we can understand the infinite value of peace. At other times he uses tedium, when he wants to show us the importance of adventure and leaving things behind.
“God uses silence to teach us about the responsibility of what we say. At times he uses fatigue so that we can understand the value of waking up. At other times he uses sickness to show us the importance of health.
“God uses fire to teach us about water. Sometimes he uses earth so that we can understand the value of air. And at times he uses death when he wants to show us the importance of life.”

“And what do we do about the feeling of guilt that we all share?”

“At one of the most tragic moments of the Crucifixion, one of the thieves noticed that the man dying beside him was the Son of God. ‘Lord, remember me when You are in Heaven’, said the thief. ‘In truth, today you shall be with me in Heaven’, answered Jesus, turning a bandit into the first saint of the Catholic Church: Saint Dimas.
“We don’t know why Dimas was condemned to death. The Bible tells us that he confessed his guilt and that he was crucified for the crimes he had committed. Let us suppose that he did something cruel, awful enough to end his life in that fashion; yet, even so, in his final minutes of life, he was redeemed – and glorified – by an act of faith.

“Remember this example when for some reason you feel unable to continue on your path.”

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Dad s wid Us:)

"Whom the God loves die young"...but i believe there is no death, only a change of worlds.

Appa...Where've you been??...I've been looking out for you in every corners,to touch those moles on your cheeks & say "Inga oru macham...inga oru macham" , to see you smile, picking on others and composing your own mock songs,to play on your pot belly,to hear u admire mom,to massage (walk over) your legs when they are tired,to walk through holding your hairy hands,to play cricket,to joyfully sit on your lap,but still i couldn't ..My eyes are weary....where are you Appa..???

Its been 22 years of my blessed life,and 12 years without you...haven't met a single head like you Appa..never'll i...nobody is like you to nobody Appa. ..

Yess!!!Life is really beautiful & truly Blessed Appa...but your presence would've enhanced its liveliness more to every facet of it Appa.

Living without you...the most Understanding,Generous,Energetic and Compassionated soul...hmmmn the get-togethers are incomplete and i miss you all the time Appa..How did you lead a life like that Appa...?Everybody loooves you soo much..!!We always think of you Appa..Every time...its you ,you and only YOU:)

I must really thank God for gifting Humans with the fragrance of Memory...I still enjoy those moments i spent with you..We spent together..A Sweet Lil World of our own...the first drive in the first Navy-blue van,the Weekends where we sit and enjoy with laughter echoed,the Songs that reminds me of your memories...the way you enjoy listening to them...More sweet memories treasured are always close to my heart Appa..

I can never forget the day when you'd ask us to find out the jumbled words,teaching me maths,correcting us in the most positive way when we go wrong,those fun-filled Diwali with our bloodline at Chrompet.

Remember those pranks you play on others!!!The day when you gave Anna a biiiig aruvazh,Me with a knife,Thambi with a spoon, and you holding a huge Rod to stand guard at Amma's False she said "Take care of it"....Hahahaha...Days of nostalgia:):) your sense of humour beats everything else Appa and U are Uniquely Unique..

You are more than a Good book Appa,your ideals are somethin' what makes us complete today.The limitless love that you've showered on us has been our strength & driving path inspiring us to endure your legacy....We Will Appa.But sometimes its really hard without you on this beautiful World Appa...Where Have you gone??Where can i find you??when i call out for so many questions...

I know the answers pretty much Appa,Our enthusiasms and happiness in every second of our life reminds us that "You are with us...not so far, Arm-In-Arm as you 've always been... Closely embracing us...Governing all our destinies ".Not even a few feet away...but with in those lil' surprises from my buddies and beloveds,those praying hands,the pleasant feeling of having an olive branch extended from the circle of our long time support ..well ..when they call me "Athipazham",though i miss the way you used to call me Appa,Anythin' smiley:) and when we make every souls around happy.

Everywhere, everything pretty those soul stirring treat of Music,spell bound beauty of the Night's sky,those Snow-kissed flowers at Dawn,those instincts...the direction of somethin' tht illuminates us, blessings from your well-wishers,your sweet memories that mom and everybody talks of,together laughter,In-Depth concern of my classy sis' ,buddies n bros'...My Dearest duo-Kuttima Akka & Puppy Akka..and when Mammu points out my eyes and say "Bharathi Thatha inga irukaanga",tears tht drip down through my cheeks missing u...well on top of all..In Amma's smile,Anna's love n Thambi's crazy quips & in our kutty kutty intimacies..

Though days with you were short,your memories are bound-less and sort of something which gives me only the warmest thoughts Appa...its not how long we live,but how well we live...Thanks for being the World's Most Greatest DAD & of course The Perfect n Lovable HUSBAND that No Woman can Dream of to my Mom...You're the most Loved and Loving Couple in the world Appa..

My cho chweet sis shammi akka always quotes that "The most powerful bliss on Earth is the trust on ur mind power " which prompts me that you are here to open all good things for us...though not are with me till my last breath...and then...Yuppy!! i ll also join in to your beautiful world Appa to soar endless skies walking around with you,listening to your jokes and words..ohh Appa..I'm yearning to hear your manly tones Appa..Waiting for the D-day!!! Miss u moooooore than i love u Appa:):)

Sunday, March 1, 2009

An Angel on Earth.

It's a truly beautiful world we live in!!! its Hemu Kutty Mum who jus frames it absolutely stunning givin' a Poetic shot...All those assertive qualities of mine are solely inherited by this sweeet heart.She s the perfect idol of a Mother,an epitome of Grace n Innocence,the symbol of Divine Love n Serene,Inspiring n Down-to-Earth,Honesty & Sincerity,Patience & Courage,Jovial & Easy-going,Considerate n Benign,the Best HomeMaker and the most Beautiful women under the sun are all the epithets that'd purely describe her..

The greatest happiness of life is to be convinced that u r loved...n my mom completely rocks my world with unconditional love n meticulous care,Mom is someone with whom i can dare to be myself n she knows the best 4 me...if patience makes a woman beautiful in every stages of her life,then my mom is d universe beauty without a pageant award cos she does it even in those lil' inch of hers....i mean its hard to be patient n at the same time maintain a level of honesty...cos i myself crushed by guilt sometimes, where i failed to say no when i wanted to....Even when she contradicts,she'd carry tht sweet smile & explain her side without mincing matters..well,then i learnt to be honestly sweet...

She has always been a flexible person who stands up for her values n convictions with the right spirit.Mom never lets us bring down our cultural values...Amma jus' excels over the moon when it comes to hospitality...from fruit vendors to our beloveds,she'd neva let go 'em without makin' their tummy full....n their hearts too...HmmmN her yumm yumm food...U know!!when words fail to describe the taste,u simply 've to try it!!!C'mon head home soon..:):)

Amma s firmly optimistic where she has taught me to look beyond life's flip side...well.. she'd rather call it the other nicer side where you can learn stuffs from...Besides 'em,the most notable caliber is tht,she is a person of being didactic through actions than words..Every sign of hers 'd index you with an awe experience...

Well...its an arduous task to amplify her finest qualities..I'd relate her to the most impressive word in Tamil which is "மௌனம்"..This is somethin' to be felt ,to be believed...

Needless to say,God has been extremely kind to me...Me all the way blessed with heaps of eternal good goodies in a Sweet single package called "AMMA"(Magic word ahann!!!)shez ma lucky charm."Amma..whats heaven and all its wonders ???? they' re incomparable to ur flawless smile Amma..keep tht on,cos its whr DAD stays in:)"

"All that I am or ever hope to be,
I owe to my angel Mother..."

But still couldn’t figure out those hidden wings ;)